Project Description

O projeto “Pare, Escute e Olhe” busca valorizar o conhecimento e desenvolver ideias para resolver diversas necessidades identificadas no meio em que se insere. Com um ambiente colaborativo, visa estimular a criatividade em regiões rurais, onde oportunidades formais são escassas. Ao eliminar assimetrias na perceção do valor criativo nacional e envolver sistemas não urbanos, busca desenvolver a coesão criativa, impulsionando o desenvolvimento e a atratividade das regiões do interior.

The project Pare, Escute e Olheis designed to create an environment that values knowledge and fosters idea development in response to detected needs. It operates collaboratively within the country’s interior, where the scarcity of formal opportunities for creativity hinders its exercise. Notably, it stands as the first initiative of this nature, distinct from major university hubs and scientific centers, where creativity is abundantly stimulated. By eliminating asymmetries in the perception of national creative value and engaging non-urban systems, the main goal is to promote what we refer to as “creative cohesion.” This entails developing creativity in the interior, subsequently bringing it closer to the coastal regions, while also enhancing its overall attractiveness.